Advanced Job Center
Enhance the job selection experience on your FiveM server with our Advanced Job Center. This script allows players to choose their job easily and quickly via a command or by interacting with an NPC. It is compatible with ESX, QBCore, or a Custom Framework, ensuring optimal performance and seamless compatibility.
Main Features
- Full compatibility with ESX, QBCore, and Custom Frameworks
- Easy configuration through config.lua
- Specific locations for each job (Optional)
- Ability to set a waypoint on the map
- Option to disable job application, allowing only a location to be assigned
- Customizable language system
- Specific salary per job (Optional | Visual only)
- Blip on the map to facilitate job selection search
- NPC interaction for a better roleplay experience
- Customizable command to open the menu
- Options to disable NPC, Blip, and command in config.lua
- Tested on ESX (1.12.4) or QBCore (1.3.0)